Surya Katari

Skills : Java, Javascript, ReactJS, NodeJS, SQL, MongoDB



Experienced in Full Stack Application development.Skilled in SQL,MongoDB,ReactJS,NodeJS and Java.Strong engineering professional with a Master's Degree focused in Software Engineering from San Jose State University, San Jose.


  • San Jose State University

    Masters in Software Engineering

  • Vellore Institute of Technology

    Electronics and communication engineering


View some of my recent projects

Grocery List prediction System

We developed grocery list prediction system based on user preferences and previous purchase history. The main idea of building this application is to provide users with the suggestions of the items that are likely to be purchased by the users. We aim to improve the users shopping experience by developing a web application for generating an automated Shopping list. The application provides detailed Analytics Dashboard on shopping patterns of the users and also recommends items that are frequently bought by the users.

• Technologies: React JS, Redux, Express.js, REST API, AWS, NodeJS, MongoDB.

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As part of my Enterprise distributed Systems class project, we designed a 3-tier distributed application that will implement the functions of Amazon website. In this project, I worked on admin related functionalities such as:

• Adding product categories to the Inventory Listings.
• View month wise sales income amount of all sellers.
• View list of all the orders as well as modify the status of the orders placed by the customers.
• Admin user will be able to view different types of analytics graphs showing following data : No of orders per day, Top 5 most sold products, Top 5 sellers, Top 10 products based on rating, Top 10 products viewed per day etc.

• Technologies: React JS, Express.js, REST API, AWS, NodeJS, Kafka, Redis cache.

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This is a single page application which replicates the functionalities of Handshake (Student Job recruiting platform)

• Some of the functionalities implemented in this application are : Add and update profile, Apply to jobs, join events created by companies. Upload media files, view student profiles. Companies can post job openings, events, can view student profiles, manage job application status etc.

• Technologies: React JS, Redux, Express.js, REST API, AWS, NodeJS, Kafka, MySQL, MongoDB.

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Mobile testing as a service platform

• Developed a 3-tier distributed application. Supports three different types of users and implemented respective functionalities. Managers can create projects and select testers by viewing profile.
• Testers can request to join projects and write test cases for relevant projects. User’s Dashboard shows insights about project in form of graphs. Used React Chartjs libraries for visualization.
• Used selenium to run test scripts and Integrated with Bugzilla to generate Test Report.
• Technologies: React JS, Express.js, REST API, SQL DB, NodeJS, Bugzilla, Selenium, Chartjs.

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Handwriting to Text

• This is a Simple web application which converts handwritten text image into a pdf. The user can download the PDF or send it to others via email.

• Tesseract OCR engine is used to detect the text and convert it into electronic file. Image processing techniques are implemented to enhance image quality

• Technologies: Tesseract OCR engine, Google Auth, HTML, CSS.

Online Banking System

Developed supporting API's required for Online Banking Transactions, recurring payments etc.


Interested in software application development

Web Application Development

IOS Application Development

Android Application Development
